Validity of Restrictive Covenants in Contracts
A. Introduction The bedrock of modern-day commerce and trade is based, inter alia, on the relationship between contracting parties, which is governed by the principles of the law of contracts. Technological advancement and globalisation have fostered additional complexities in this sphere, making it incumbent on the parties to protect their legitimate business interests. In a
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Emergency Arbitrations – An Indian Perspective
A. Introduction An emergency arbitration (“EA”) is an arbitration mechanism where parties can seek urgent interim reliefs prior to the formation of the arbitral tribunal. It is a time bound process with the ‘emergency arbitrator’ expected to pass an ‘emergency award’ within a specified period (typically around 14-15 days from the date of the appointment
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NFTs and Copyrights
A. WHAT IS AN NFT? The term NFT stands for “non-fungible token”. NFTs are essentially digitalised assets which represent underlying works (as defined under section 2(y) of the Copyright Act, 1957 and hereinafter referred to as “Work/s”) such as art, memes, gifs, music and could even include shoes and clothes. There is really no restriction
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Key Highlights of Company Law Committee Report – 2022
A. Introduction: The Company Law Committee (‘CLC’) released its report on March 21, 2022 where the committee has recommended potential amendments to various provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 (‘Act’). The report of 2022 contemplates a significant overhaul of the Act by easing compliance burdens, recognizing / introducing various concepts (such as fractional shares, restricted
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Integrated Townships in Maharashtra
A. Introduction: The “Housing for All Mission 2022” is certainly a challenge, requiring assistance from all quarters and a holistic outlook and approach to address the complex issues prevalent within the real estate industry in India. One of the concepts which has emerged as a catalyst to achieve the objectives is the idea of “Integrated
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